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Financial Institutions

Financial Institutions represent your customer's financial accounts (bank accounts) that can be used to withdraw or receive funds. You can add external accounts through:

  1. Financial Institutions API
  2. Plaid (coming soon)

Creating a Financial Institution

Link your customer's bank account by adding it to their Account.

POST https://api.brale.xyz/financial_institution/external

  "name": "Business Checking Account",
  "transfer_type": ["ACH", "Wire"],
  "metadata": {
    "nickname": "Payroll Account",
    "created_by": "InternalUser123"
  "bank_details": {
    "owner": "Jane Doe",
    "account_number": "1234567890",
    "routing_number": "987654321",
    "name": "Example Bank",
    "address": {
      "street_line_1": "100 Example St",
      "street_line_2": "Suite 500",
      "city": "Springfield",
      "state": "CA",
      "zip": "90001",
      "country": "US"
    "account_type": "checking"


You can also add Financial Institutions through the Brale Dashboard settings page https://app.brale.xyz/settings

Fetching Financial Institutions

Retrieve details of a linked financial institution by ID.

GET https://api.brale.xyz/financial_institutions/:id

  "name": "Business Checking Account",
  "transfer_type": ["ACH", "Wire"],
  "metadata": {
    "nickname": "Payroll Account",
    "created_by": "InternalUser123"
  "bank_details": {
    "owner": "Jane Doe",
    "account_number": "1234567890",
    "routing_number": "987654321",
    "name": "Example Bank",
    "address": {
      "street_line_1": "100 Example St",
      "street_line_2": "Suite 500",
      "city": "Springfield",
      "state": "CA",
      "zip": "90001",
      "country": "US"
    "account_type": "checking"